Real quick.

Cool video of Pentagram Chemtrails…or maybe some camera trickery. pentatrail

If you look in this video there is a guy filming a cockpit of an airplane…with a clear setting CHEMTRAIL GENERATOR ON. WOW……. Its in several places but 2:28 is a good place to skip too. If its real wow……… Click Here


Ok…so the big thing this week is apparently to put a bulling strikes on YouTube truthers; on people who politely point out that elite are very much misbehaving. Politely. the really rude horrible ones are not getting strikes!! I heard from a friend that Crrow777 just  being interviewed on any youtube channel will get that channel a bullying strike. Thats HILARIOUS. Of all the foulmouthed, black magic, porny, youth exploiting   degrading, actual criminal and evil things floating around that place….Crow? Compared to a Katy Perry video..he’s really tame. Compared to the general way flat earth vs round earth people treat each other…..its rather  saintly. Crroww usually doesn’t single out the 99 percent..its almost all this shady elite peeps.

So for the first time in history one person has got a official complaints from the system, the demons, the elite and the AI.. and its that they feel bullied by a  guy who does some research, pointed out the management of this civilization is a bit less then honest and has photographed the moon getting all warbly when it shouldn’t.  AAAAHAHAHAHAH. Wow some bullies are just big cry babies. I guess they didn’t notice the soul crushing hamster wheel demonic civilization they have created might have made several billion people feel a bit bullied too? Some people…………

Jeez Crrow…think about their feelings!!! After all it takes alot of effort to 24/7 a day for hundreds of years to watch, monitor, degrade, pervert, pollute, destroy,  hex, curse ,  malevolently program and lie to all sentient life and most of the non sentient objects on this plane of existence Obviously…they just want you to say…good job!! Well done!!

Is there internal process this?……” I know you think that turning you into a mush pile for the abyss while feeding on you…is a bad thing…but couldn’t you just say “thanks” once in a while.” Signed- the elite.

One guy made the trillionaires(and the AI) publicly admit truth was making them feel bullied.  A total first in History as far as I know.

Reality does have its moments 🙂